Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Major Digital Project Update #7 - Completed WebQuest

I have finished my WebQuest on perspective in Colonial America! You can view my final product here. 

A few ideas shifted between my last post and the actual completion of the project. I realized in the development phase of my WebQuest that instead of having my students research multiple perspectives within the course of the week, I would prefer them to fully grasp and develop a single perspective. I also wanted to incorporate a different form of expression into my WebQuest, so instead of having students complete two different RAFT writing exercises, I had them complete one comic strip and one RAFT writing activity. Both the digital comic and the RAFT writing activity focus on developing an understanding of Colonial American perspective leading up to the Revolution. I ultimately wanted students to understand the frustrations that Colonial Americans faced during the lead up to the Revolution, and I wanted them to be able to express and defend those positions thoughtfully and in their own words.

Additionally, I was able to find more video resources for my students to access, so that they had a combination of picture, written and video media to learn from when conducting their resource. Ultimately, I think that this combination of material will best suit my students as they guide their own research on the topics provided.

Since I incorporated the Comic into my WebQuest, I was able to access another form of technology as well! I decided to use the Make Beliefs Comic creator that I wrote about in my Cool Tool Review section a couple weeks ago. I was glad that I was able to use a resource that I learned about during class into my final project!

At the end of the day, I was able to utilize multiple technologies to create a unique learning experiece for my students. I was able to utilize:

  • Internet
  • Social Media: Twitter
  • YouTube 
  • Make Beliefs Comic Creator
  • Google Docs
  • Google Slides
  • Email

I am proud of the final product I was able to come up with throughout the duration of this course, and I hope that my WebQuest will be a useful resource in other classrooms as well! Thanks for reading!

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