Friday, October 20, 2017

Major Digital Project Update #1 WebQuest

For my major digital project, I will create a week’s worth of online assignments covering Colonial America in US History. The unit will take the form of a WebQuest. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. he WebQuest will require students to visit, explore and evaluate resources online, including photos of primary resources, YouTube videos, and articles. Students will complete daily assignments in conjunction with the research they do online, culminating in a final project that requires them to compile their research and present it creatively.

WebQuests are great learning activities because they teach students how to investigate and learn using online resources, which is more than likely how they will gain new information once they graduate! In this way, WebQuests prepare students for success in the real world, teaching them how to analyze and evaluate information online. In his blog post, Tom March explains that by providing real life problems for students to solve increases motivation as well. He states, "When students are asked to understand, hypothesize or problem-solve an issue that confronts the real world, they face an authentic task, not something that only carries meaning in a school classroom...Rather than turn to a dated textbook, filtered encyclopedias or middle-of-the-road magazines, with the Web students can directly access individual experts, searchable databases, current reporting, and even fringe groups to gather their insights."

My initial idea was to create a WebQuest using a Google Slideshow, so that it can be easily accessed and shared online. As I continue to investigate, I will see if there is perhaps another medium that I might prefer to use. I am excited to get working on my WebQuest, and will continue to post updates as I go!

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